There had been many relationships I got since my childhood. I have met many interesting people and many weird personalities. I have got many neighborhood friends with whom I played when I was a kid. I mingled with many in schools and colleges, some were jocks and some were nerds. I have got many decent and professional relationships at my workplace. I have got chance to interact with many people. In such a fashion my relationship chain grew stronger in count as my days passed. But only a few are still in touch and just with a Hi-Bye relationship. Luckily I got one such relationship that was a blend of love and care and I am desperate about this bond which I should never miss in my life at any cause. Though I make many new friends and relationships in my day to day life the intimacy in our relationship can never be compared with any other relationships. The feelings were built stronger and the pain if I miss it would be too hard. The only thing I wish is that such a worthy relationship should be an everlasting one and this personality should remain as my sole mate till the end.
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